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Tweekin’ it

I just learned an interesting lesson! The Runtyun uses these mini speakers for her computer. They are called Tweekers. They are small and you have to plug wires into different things to make them work. One gets the illusion that real skills are being utilized.

They sound OK. Well, she stopped using them and turned them off, but left the wires and stuff flying all over the place. I waited for her to put the rig away…nope. Not happenin’. So I rapped it up and placed the thing on the table forgetting about matter. I did feel like maybe I had missed a chance to yell and scream about putting things away, however there are times when even I don’t need to make a big deal about everything. A little later, she hooked up the tweekers while I did something else (take a shower). I suggested we listen to her music through my speakers, they are fuller and  sound better. She said no, but I went ahead and made the change. When I got done and settled down, I saw she had put up the tweekers.

I wonder what would have happened if I had made a big deal earlier?